Gaia Nicosia's publications


Journal articles

1.               A. Agnetis, M. Benini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Trade-off between utility and fairness in two-agent single-machine scheduling, European Journal of Operational Research, in press, 2025.

2.               P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Robust job-sequencing with an uncertain flexible maintenance activity, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 185, 109610, 2023.

3.               A. Agnetis, M. Cosmi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Two is better than one? Order aggregation in a meal delivery scheduling problem, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 183, 109514, 2023.

4.               U. Pferschy, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, J. Schauer, On the Stackelberg Knapsack Game, European Journal of Operational Research, 291(1), pp. 18-31, 2021.

5.               G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, J. Resch, G. Righini, Optimally rescheduling jobs with a Last-In-First-Out buffer, Journal of Scheduling, 24, pp. 663-680, 2021.

6.               P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, G. Zabalo Manrique de Lara, Robust single machine scheduling with a flexible maintenance activity, Computers & Operations Research, 107, pp.19-31, 2019.

7.               U. Pferschy, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, A Stackelberg Knapsack Game with Weight Control, Theoretical Computer Science, 799, pp. 149-159, 2019.

8.               A. Agnetis, B. Chen, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Price of Fairness in Two-Agent Single-Machine Scheduling Problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 276(1), pp. 79-87, 2019.

9.               M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Profit-fairness trade-off in project selection, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 67, pp.133-146, 2019.

10.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Competitive multi-agent scheduling with an iterative selection rule, 4OR, 16(1), pp. 15-29, 2018.

11.           M. Di Bartolomeo, E. Grande, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Cheapest paths in dynamic networks, Networks, 69(1), pp. 23-32, 2017.

12.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Price of Fairness for allocating a bounded resource, European Journal of Operational Research, 257, pp. 933-943, 2017.

13.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Scheduling assembly tasks with caterpillar precedence constraints on dedicated machines, International Journal of Production Research, 55(6), pp. 1680-1691, 2017.

14.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Two Agent Scheduling with a Central Selection Mechanism, Theoretical Computer Science, 596, pp. 109-123, 2015.

15.           A. Agnetis, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Scheduling two agent task chains with a central selection mechanism, Journal of Scheduling, 18(3), pp. 243-261, 2015.

16.           A. Darmann, G. Nicosia, U. Pferschy, J. Schauer, The Subset Sum Game, European Journal of Operational Research, 233(3), pp. 539-549, 2014.

17.           A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, Sequencing a batching flexible cell to minimize setup costs, International Journal of Production Research, 52(8), pp. 2461-2476, 2014.

18.           C. Marini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Strategies in Competing Subset Selection, Annals of Operations Research, 207(1), pp. 181-200, 2013.

19.           A. Agnetis, H. Kellerer, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Parallel dedicated machines scheduling with chain precedence constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, 221(2), pp. 296- 305, 2012.

20.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Optimal allocation plan for distribution centers of a frozen food company, International Journal of Applied Management Science, 4(3), pp. 224-238, 2012.

21.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Competitive subset selection with two agents, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(16), pp. 1865-1877, 2011.

22.           A. Agnetis, M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, A job-shop problem with one additional resource type, Journal of Scheduling, 14, pp. 225-237, 2011.

23.           P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, M. Servilio, Optimal power control in OFDMA cellular networks, Networks, 57, pp. 200-211, 2011.

24.           M. Flammini, G. Nicosia, On the bicriteria k-server problem, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 7(1), pp. 1-19, 2010.

25.           F. Grandoni, G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, L. Sanit", Stable Routing under the Spanning Tree Protocol, Operations Research Letters, 38(5), pp. 399-404, 2010.

26.           A. Agnetis, M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Scheduling three chains on two parallel machines, European Journal of Operational Research, 202(3), pp. 669-674, 2010.

27.           A, Agnetis, A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, Assessing the quality of heuristic solutions to parallel machines min-max scheduling problems, International Journal of Production Economics, 122(2), pp. 755-762, 2009.

28.           A. Agnetis, A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, Single machine scheduling problems with generalized preemption, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 21(1), pp. 1-12, 2009.

29.           A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, Minimum cost multi-product flow lines, Annals of Operations Research, 150(1), pp. 31-46, 2007.

30.           P. Crescenzi, G. Gambosi, G. Nicosia, P. Penna, W. Unger, On-line load balancing made simple: Greedy strikes back, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 5(1), pp.162-175, 2007.

31.           A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Exact algorithms for a discrete metric labeling problem, Discrete Optimization, 3(3), pp. 181-194, 2006.

32.           M. Flammini, G. Nicosia, Competitive algorithms for the bicriteria k-server problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154(15), pp. 2117-2127, 2006.

33.           M. Flammini, A. Navarra, G. Nicosia, Efficient offline algorithms for the bicriteria k-server problem and online applications, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 4(3), pp. 414-432, 2006.

34.           A. Agnetis, A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, A heuristic approach to batching and scheduling a single machine to minimize setup costs, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(4), pp.793-802, 2004.

35.           G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, An approximate A* algorithm and its application to the SCS problem, Theoretical Computer Science, 290(3), pp. 2021-2029, 2003.

36.           A. Agnetis, A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, Part batching and scheduling in a flexible cell to minimize setup costs, Journal of Scheduling, 6, pp. 83-104, 2003.

37.           G. Nicosia, D. Pacciarelli, A. Pacifici, Optimally balancing assembly lines with different workstations, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 118(1-2), pp. 99-113, 2002.

38.           G. Gambosi, G. Nicosia, On-line scheduling with setup costs, Information Processing Letters, 73, pp.61-68, 2000.


Online journals

39.           S. Argenziano, M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, A Comparison of Exact and Heuristic Methods for a Facility Location Problem, International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, Vol.20, 2019.

40.           U. Pferschy, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, On a Stackelberg Subset Sum Game, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 69, pp. 133-140, 2018.

41.           E. Grande, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, V. Roselli, An exact algorithm for a multicommodity min-cost flow over time problem, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 64, pp. 125-134, 2018.

42.           M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Maximin Fairness in Project Budget Allocation, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 55, pp. 65-68, 2016.

43.           E. Grande, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Minimum cost paths over dynamic networks, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 52, pp. 343-350, 2016.

44.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Exact algorithms for a discrete metric labeling problem, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 17C, pp. 223-227, 2004.


Book chapters/LNCS/Proceedings with ISSN

45.           M. Naldi, A. Freda, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, G. Teti, M. Feccia, Modelling the Consent Acquisition Time in Organ Donor Management Through Clustering and Mixture Probability Models, IEEE Xplore, 2024.

46.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, C. Salvatore, MIP models for flow shop scheduling with inter-stage flexibility and blocking constraints, AIRO Springer Series, Vol. 12, pp. 37-47, 2024.

47.           M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, A generalized disjunctive graph model for a complex production problem, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 237, pp. 289-296, 2024.

48.           M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, The Uncertain Times of COVID Mass Vaccine Deliveries: From Start-Up to Steady-State, IEEE Xplore, 2022.

49.           E. Pastore, A. Alfieri, C. Castiglione, G. Nicosia, F. Salassa, A Matheuristic Approach to the Open Shop Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10), pp. 2167-2172, 2022.

50.           M. Cosmi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Computing Fair Solutions in Single Machine Scheduling, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10), pp. 2185-2190, 2022.

51.           S. Foderaro, M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Planning a mass vaccination campaign with balanced staff engagement, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 442, pp. 97-116, 2022.

52.           S. Foderaro, M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Mass Vaccine Administration under Supply Uncertainty, IEEE Xplore, 2021.

53.           M. Cosmi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Scheduling for last-mile meal-delivery processes, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (13), pp. 511-516, 2019.

54.           A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Constrained job rearrangements on a single machine, in "New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems" eds. P. Daniele, L. Scrimali, AIRO Springer Series Vol. 1, pp. 33-41, 2018.

55.           M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, A. Tagliacozzo, Build or Merge: Locational Decisions in Mobile Access Networks, IEEE Xplore, 2018.

56.           P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, G. Zabalo Manrique de Lara, Robust single machine scheduling with external-party jobs, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (12), pp. 1731-1736, 2016.

57.           M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, B. Leder, A Simulation study of Fairness-Profit Trade-off in Project Selection based on HHI and Knapsack Models, IEEE Xplore, 2016.

58.           M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Maximin Fairness-Profit Tradeoff in Project Budget Allocation, Procedia Computer Science, 100, pp. 313-320, 2016.

59.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Brief announcement: the fair subset sum problem, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9347, pp. 309-311, Springer-Verlag, 2015.

60.           M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Cyclic Schedules for Pipeline Assembly Processes, IEEE Xplore, 2014.

61.           G. Falcone, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Minimizing Part Transfer Costs in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Computational Study on Different Lower Bounds, IEEE Xplore, 2013.

62.           A. Agnetis, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Two Agents Competing for a Shared Machine, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8176, pp. 1-14, Springer-Verlag, 2013.

63.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Scheduling tasks with comb precedence constraints on dedicated machines, IFAC-PapersOnLine, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 46 (9), pp. 430-435, 2013.

64.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Subset Weight Maximization with Two Competing Agents, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5783, pp. 74-85, Springer-Verlag, 2009.

65.           P. Iovanna, G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, L. Sanità, E. Sperduto, Local Restoration for Trees and Arborescences, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5464, pp. 130-140, Springer-Verlag, 2009.

66.           A. Abrardo, P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, M. Servilio, Optimal channel allocation in OFDMA multi-cell systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5425, pp. 103-111, Springer-Verlag, 2009.

67.           P. Crescenzi, G. Gambosi, G. Nicosia, P. Penna, W. Unger, On-line load balancing made simple: Greedy strikes back, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2719, pp. 1108-1118, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

68.           G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, Solving the Shortest Common Supersequence problem, Operation Research Proceeding, vol. 2000, pp. 77- 83, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

69.           M. Flammini, G. Nicosia, On multicriteria online problems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1879, pp. 191-201, Springer-Verlag, 2000.


Submitted papers

70.           M. Feccia, A. Freda, M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Modelling and simulating the organ donation process using bootstrap and event-driven process chain representation.

71.           A. Agnetis, M. Benini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Trade-off between Utility and Fairness in Two-Agent Single-Machine Scheduling

72.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, A. Russo Russo, C. Salvatore, Flow Shop Scheduling with Inter-Stage Flexibility and Blocking Constraints.


Conferences (selection)

73.           A. Freda, M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Simulation-based optimization for solid organ transplantation management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, ORAHS 50, Turin, Italy, July 2024.

74.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, C. Salvatore, Production of Prefabricated Wall Elements: Flow Shop with Multi-Task Flexibility, 19th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, June 2023.

75.           A. Agnetis, M. Benini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Efficiency-Fairness Tradeoff for a Multi-Agent Single Machine Scheduling Problem, 36th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCO XXXVI, Chania, Greece, May 2023.

76.           M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, Models for a complex job-shop scheduling problem with additional resources, ECCO XXXV - CO 2022 Joint Conference, (online) June 2022.

77.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, J. Resch, G. Righini, Rescheduling jobs with a LIFO buffer, 34th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCO, (online) June 2021.

78.           A. Agnetis, B. Chen, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Fairness-utility trade-off in multi-agent scheduling, 18th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, (online) September 2020.

79.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, E. Polimeno, G. Righini, Optimally rescheduling jobs under LIFO constraints, 17th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Enschede, The Netherlands, July 2019.

80.           M. Cosmi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Lower bounds for a meal pickup-and-delivery scheduling problem, 17th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Enschede, The Netherlands, July 2019.

81.           A. Agnetis, B. Chen, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, The price of fairness in two-agent scheduling, EURO/ALIO 2018 conference, Bologna, Italy, June 2018.

82.           A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Single machine scheduling with bounded job rearrangements, 16th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France, June 2018.

83.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, J. Schauer, Two Stackelberg Knapsack games, 16th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France, June 2018.

84.           A. Agnetis, B. Chen, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, The Price of Fairness in a Two-Agent Single-Machine Scheduling Problem, PMS, Rome, Italy, April 2018.

85.           P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, G. Zabalo Manrique de Lara, Robust single machine scheduling with a flexible maintenance activity, 15th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization Cologne, Germany, June 2017.

86.           E. Grande, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, V. Roselli, An exact algorithm for a multicommodity min-cost flow over time problem, proceedings of INOC, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2017.

87.           M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy. Maximin fairness in project budget allocation, 14th Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization CTW 2016, Gargnano, Italy, June 2016.

88.           E. Grande, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Minimum cost paths over dynamic networks, 7th International Network Optimization Conference, INOC 2015, Warsaw, Poland, May 2015.

89.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Price of Fairness for Multiagent Subset Sum Problems, 13th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2015.

90.           A. Agnetis, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Two Agents Single Machine Scheduling under a Coordination Mechanism, EURO-INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy, July 2013.

91.           A. Agnetis, H. Kellerer, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Scheduling two chains on m machines, INFORMS annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Ottobre, 2012.

92.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Strategies for single-machine multi-agent scheduling problems, 11th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW2012, Munich, Germany, May 2012.

93.           A. Agnetis, H. Kellerer, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Scheduling two chains on parallel dedicated machines, 11th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW2012, Munich, Germany, May 2012.

94.           C. Marini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, Minimum cost subset selection with two competing agents, ECCOXXIII-CO2010, Malaga, Spain, May 2010.

95.           L. Adacher, M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, Robust paths in urban transportation networks, International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Roma, Italy, June 2009.

96.           G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, U. Pferschy, On multi-agent knapsack problems, 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW09, Paris, France, June 2009.

97.           G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, L. Sanità, E. Sperduto, Local Restoration for Trees and Arborescences under the Spanning Tree Protocol, International Network Optimization Conference, INOC 2009, Pisa, Italy, April 2009.

98.           A. Abrardo, P. Detti, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, M. Servilio, Cellular Radio Resource Allocation Problem, 7th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW08, Gargnano, Italy, May 2008.

99.           A. Agnetis, M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, A branch and bound algorithm for a generalized Job Shop Scheduling problem, International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization 2008, CO2008, Warwick, UK, March 2008.

100.       L. Adacher, M. Flamini, G. Nicosia, Decentralized algorithms for multiple path routing in urban transportation networks, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, TRISTAN VI, Thailand, June 2007.

101.       A. Agnetis, A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, Single machine scheduling problems with generalized preemption, Seventh Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, MAPSP05, Siena, Italy, June 2005.

102.       G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Exact algorithms for a discrete metric labeling problem, CTW on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW 2004, Milan, Italy, June 2004.

103.       A. Agnetis, A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, A column generation approach to a class of single-machine preemptive scheduling problems, Sixth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, MAPSP03, Aussois, France, March 2003.

104.       M. Flammini, G. Nicosia, Competitive algorithms for the bicriteria k-server problem, International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, CO2002, Paris, France, April 2002.

105.       G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, A. Pacifici, Optimal allocation plan for distribution centers of a frozen food company, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, TRISTAN IV, Portugal, June 2001.

106.       A. Alfieri, G. Nicosia, A. Agnetis, Part batching and scheduling in a flexible cell to minimize setup costs, Fifth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, MAPSP01, Aussois, France, June 2001.

107.       G. Nicosia, G. Oriolo, Solving the Shortest Common Supersequence problem, Symposium on Operations Research, SOR2000, Dresden, Germany, September 2000.



108.       C. Gentile, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, G. Stecca, P. Ventura, Preface: 18th Cologne-Twente Workshop on graphs and combinatorial optimization (CTW 2020),Discrete Applied Mathematics, 354, pp. 1-2, 2024.

109.       U. Faigle, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, Preface, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 165(11), 2014.

110.       L. Adacher, M. Flamini, G. Leo, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, V. Piccialli (eds.), 10th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1-292, Texmat, Rome, 2011.